About Us
Reward Path Recovery Center is a medical detox and residential treatment center that is redefining the
industry standard and offers an alternative method for gaining freedom from addiction. The
human brain is hard-wired to repeat rewarding (pleasure inducing) behaviors; we naturally
crave more of what feels good. While this fact sadly drives chemical addiction, it can also be
repurposed to guide those afflicted back to health and safety. This is the Reward Path.
Located in the heart of Ventura County, the Baker House, built in 1898, is a whimsical, newly
renovated Queen Anne style home where you can begin your reward filled journey. Our
dedicated and diverse staff of medical doctors, licensed psychologists, and addiction disorders
counselors are highly-trained in a wide variety of treatment modalities. Each client is offered a
personalized treatment plan lovingly crafted by our team of experts. We provide a warm and
supportive healing environment where science meets the soul of recovery.